Partnerships: The Mirror That Shows Us Who We Can Become
As I recently announced my partnership with Edward Vicedo at, I've been reflecting deeply on what makes partnerships truly work. Not just in business but in every aspect of our lives.
We often consider partnerships straightforward arrangements, such as two or more people working toward common goals. But after decades of supervision, years of coaching, and experiencing various partnerships myself, I've learned that genuine partnerships are actually mirrors that show us who we can become.
The truth about successful partnerships, any partnerships, whether in business, coaching relationships, marriages, or even when working for someone else, is that they require something deeper than just a transactional relationship to be REALLY successful. We are not machines. They demand trust, vulnerability, and genuine care for the other's success.
Working as a coach, I witnessed firsthand with a director from a Las Vegas hotel who initially saw his coaching engagement as a punishment. In our second session, I had to be direct: "We don't have to work together if you don't want to, but if we do, you need to engage in a spirit of trust and positive intent." What happened next was remarkable. As trust built between us through consistently doing what we said we would do, not only did her professional life transform, but her personal life and relationship with her son improved (dramatically) as well. After that engagement, we have stayed in touch ONLY because of the power of that six-month partnership.
We're known for our strong personalities in the hotel and restaurant industries. Every chef believes their food is the best; every hotelier has a unique approach to service excellence. It's what makes my industry vibrant, and exciting, but it can also be crazy-making and make partnerships challenging. Those partnerships that endure, though, often create institutions that outlast individual careers.
Think about the great partnerships in our industries. Robert Mondavi and Baron Philippe de Rothschild creating Opus One, Ken Oringer and Jamie Bissonnette building their restaurant empire, or Isadore Sharp and Kathleen Taylor shaping Four Seasons into what it is today. These weren't just business arrangements, they were actually transformative relationships that pushed each partner AND the endeavor to greater heights. They also boosted those partners individually to more incredible things.
What is the secret? Like good marriages, good partners root for each other's success. Whether it's a supplier relationship, a coaching engagement, or a business partnership, success comes when we care about the team's goals as much as our personal achievements. Sometimes, this means pushing each other toward excellence in ways that might initially feel uncomfortable. Like that challenging boss who eventually helped you reach heights, you never thought possible (I know at least one of you is reading this right now, and you know what I mean.)
As I embark on this new chapter with Ed, I'm reminded that the best partnerships help us grow in unexpected ways. They're mirrors showing us both our potential and our blind spots. They require commitment, trust, and, yes, even a kind of love - that genuine desire to see the other succeed.
So ask yourself this: what role do you play in your partnerships? Whether you're leading a team, working with suppliers, or building a business relationship, remember: A true partnership isn't just about achieving goals together. It's about growing together, challenging each other, and creating something greater than what either could achieve alone.
And, as always, Edward and I at would love to partner with you on your next leadership coaching need.
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